Terms and Conditions

The following are the terms and conditions of London Institute of Aesthetics. By joining a London Institute of Aesthetics course you are agreeing to the terms and conditions

1 All learners will be interviewed either in person or via telephone before enrolment. It is your responsibility to ensure you review the suitability of the course you wish to enrol for including the duration and outcomes of the course. We will not hold any responsibility for any courses that do not meet your expectations

2 Minimum age requirement is 18

3 We require 50% deposit when booking your place with the remaining balance to be paid 2 weeks prior to starting your course.
All courses are subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed until payment has been made

4 London Institute of Aesthetics reserves the right to change course dates – in the case of this happening you will be offered an alternative date or receive a full refund of your deposit or fees paid

5 London Institute of Aesthetics can cancel or reschedule courses due to unforeseen circumstances. If this is the case then you will be offered an alternative date or receive a full refund of your deposit or fees paid

6 All deposits, course fees and other payments are non refundable and non transferable once they have been paid

7 In the event of a learner failing to attend or complete the course for which they have willingly enrolled, for any reason then no refund of fees or deposits will be made and there will be no entitlement to a deferral to later or alternative course

8 Learners are required to have 100% attendance for any course they enrol on. It is it not the responsibility of the school to repeat any class hours are that are missed

9 Learners are required to arrive on time for the course they have enrolled on. Failure to comply may result in a disciplinary that could lead to being dismissed from the course

10 Payment plans are available and incur a fee and are at the discretion of the school.
Any learner that has signed to pay for their course in instalments is expected to pay the instalments on the due dates agreed upon agreeing a payment plan.
Failure to do so may result in the learner being taken off the course and losing any money they may have already paid towards the course

11 Paying for or attending all lessons does not guarantee a qualification or certificate. A qualification is gained through successfully completing both the practical and theory criteria set out by the awarding body. The schools decision is final

12 No certificates will be issued in the case of payment not fully being made

13 Once a deposit has been paid then any course materials that require prior online learning will be sent via email

14 All course materials are protected by copyright and must not be reproduced, this includes power points, online material or manuals

15 It is your responsibility to complete any online training prior to starting your course with the school. It is a requirement as some courses have numerous tests that may start at the beginning of your course

16 Any disruptive or abusive behaviour towards staff or other learners will not be tolerated. Any form of abuse, bullying or racism will result in the learner being removed off the course with immediate effect.
No refunds will be given if a learner’s course is terminated due to this

17 All learners will be required to practice on each other unless informed otherwise. If a model is required for practice or for assessments you will be given considerable notice.

18 If a replacement certificate is required, this will incur a charge. This charge is subject to the price of replacement certificate of the awarding body that has been used for your qualification

19 All learners are required to wear the correct uniform or scrubs throughout the duration of the course. No long sleeves are permitted. Flat comfortable covered shoes only. No heels, boots, trainers or sandals are permitted. If you fail to adhere to wearing the correct attire you may not be able to attends that day’s session

20 Hair must be tied up, nails must be kept short and free of enamel, no jewellery to be worn

21 If you have any questions or concerns before enrolling onto your course, please either telephone or email us at the London Institute of Aesthetics. We want you to be happy with your choices

22 Learners must purchase kits and towels for the course they enrol onto.

23 Learners with any medical conditions must declare these when enrolling. This must be disclosed on the application form, Failure to do so may result in learner not being able to continue with the course if the treatment effects the medical condition

24 Retake fees may apply from the examining body

25 London Institute of Aesthetics reserves the right to decline applications


This policy is reviewed regularly and updated as required. Last reviewed 24/07/2024